Working Your Plan

There is a way to work your plan when working. It usually involves first, with what you want to achieve. Quite often we are working without a plan and then it becomes less meaningful to ourselves and the company we are working for.

If you concentrate on making a solid plan first, what do you want to achieve, then everything will fall into place.

For example, if you plan that you want to work with a particular company for a year because you simply want to get experience at that type of job, then move on to a job of higher responsibility later, then that is your plan. You now have a plan to work on, knowing the end result.

Working is not working in a job where you have no direction. If so, you are going to be bored down the road and probably be a “complainer” in the workplace. If you have the future in mind, of what you want to achieve, then you are being productive and it is also good for your soul!

Workaholics – Set Yourself Boundaries

When I do my daily work schedule, being a workaholic, sometimes you are not aware of when to stop and start your family or social life. It is very important to make boundaries in your life that when your work day is over, it is over and you “change” directions to the “non-working part of your day.

Here is an interesting video from a counselor that talks about the boundaries of work and “other than work” life.

Hilarious Workaholic Therapy

I couldn’t stop laughing from the start of this video. And there are three parts to this! All workaholics enjoy….

Workaholic and the rest of the year

Have you had enough yet? It is a very interesting time, indeed!  Would you believe that since the deep recession hit last October, that we are finally breathing a sigh of relief for our economy? Can you feel the light at the end of the tunnel? Take last week, for instance, Wall Street was in the plus for over 4 days in a row. New house sales were up slightly. Unemployment claims slowed down. Granted, not a complete recovery, but here is one thing you have to know.

Us workaholics need to plan for a very prosperous future! Working not only to catch up with what we lost, but plan for raising the “bar” for ourselves. For instance, I am working way into the night to double up on my efforts of building new projects for my internet marketing endeavours. I currently work on making business blogs for local businesses but am planning and preparing for selling to business across the country with the power of the internet. I am making progress already when making strategies that will grow my income almost exponentially. What are you doing to change the direction of your “work” mode to make things happen?

Work hard, but work smart!

Peace and Love,


Workaholic and the long hot summer

So how do we get through the hot summer while working very long hours? Easy! Set your goals for the day of what you want to achieve and make sure you schedule breaks. Yes, actually walk away from your work area to the break room or take a visit outside the office or your home to take in the fresh air and let your eyes relax. If you are open to meditation, sit in a quiet place and time yourself for at least a half hour to be still. I find that a short mediation of 15 minutes does me good. As most of us work in front of a computer, this type of break is the best thing. How often do you get “buggy eyed” when doing marathon sessions in front of your computer, and even missing lunch altogether!

We are working longer hours to keep our current jobs if working for someone else. If we are self employed, we are working longer hours to hustle for the next job in the tight economy. So, for both situations, always think of taking short breaks throughout the day. It will do wonders to help “balance” your mental state…will even prevent “burnout!”

Peace and Love,


Millionaire work habits

Bill Gates
Rich man Bill Gates literally has a “paperless” office. He has a computer with three screens side by side. He uses is far left screen to check his master email list. His center monitor is used for the current email he is addressing, and the right monitor is used for surfing the internet. For Bill Gates to work efficiently, he has email filters, both digital and human to limit his daily incoming email to 100. He uses his Outlook calendar program to keep track of his “to-dos.” One of the last things that helps him streamline his day is Sharepoint, which is kind of a company intranet to keep up to date with any and all company news and department communications

Richard Branson
Sir Richard is the “rock n roll” king of all successful businessmen! Since he was a teenager, he was immersed in the rock and roll scene and has lived the rock n roll life forever. He is an innovator, first and foremost. He is the ultimate ADD’r. He will think of a great idea, uses his gut to either go with it or drop the idea. I love the book “Screw It, Let’s Do It!” Branson’s second axiom for a wildly successful is business to have fun. “If it is no fun, move on!” he says. During his work day, he sets goals or “challenges” for himself and his organization. The very last thing, that he does not take lightly is to build a great team of people to help run the businesses. He knows his limitations and knows to grow exponentially, he has to “duplicate himself” with the best people to do that job.

So, it is not so hard to imagine yourself doing what the millionaires and billionaires do. It is a matter of vision, hard work and creating massive action towards anything you strive for.

Peace and Love,


4 Hour Workweek – Tim Ferriss

You might have heard about the book “4 Hour Work Week,” by author Tim Ferriss. I love how he dissects our work a day life. He says, break all the current useless habits we all have and focus, focus, focus! Check this video out, he makes it so easy to change your life for the better.

Peace and Love,


Be ready to adapt in your work

Whether you are currently working in a job or currently self employed, be ready to change and adapt with your environment. For example, if you find yourself in your company with news of layoffs or “downsizing,” think of how you can be more “valuable” to your current employer. Make sure your boss notices. Go the extra mile and be happy you have your job for now. When the economy turns around, you can look to other employment if you are not quite satisfied with your current job. Don’t “whine,” there is no room or time for that!

If you are self employed, you may need to rethink how you are handling your market, servicing your customers and meeting the unique needs in this down economy. Believe if or not, there are other opportunities if your current industry is in a “down” mode. I have chosen to keep marketing to my current customer list, but their needs have been redirected to doing things in house as opposed to utilizing my services as in the past. Therefore, I branched out to two other streams of income, for which I am seeing progress. So, for all you self employed out there, explore the extended types of services or products you can present to your current customer base. Or, pick a product or service that complements your current business offerings.

Peace and Love,


Workaholic and back to basics

scratch-padSometimes we get caught up in all the “latest and greatest methods” and “high tech” ways of working to; save time, get more done efficiently, make more money, getting ahead in our career. It can be information overload. Many times the latest systems and methods can backfire on your progress.

I have mentioned in previous posts that I still work my system in “low tech.” I still use my scratch pad and pen system and a white board on the wall of my office. I get more done with just those two tools than PDA’s, online calendar planners, and personal “coaches.”

What you have to do is to rethink how you are working your job. Whether you have a strategic or tactical type of job, try changing up your method of working to improve results. There is always room for improvement!

Peace and Love,


Are you guilty of multi-tasking – badly?

Thought you might enjoy this video of public speaker, Laura Stack, who is a time management consultant.

Peace and Love,
